Get Walking!

Each of us have our highs and lows. Our mountain top moments, as well as, our valleys. This year, I have gone through many heavy challenges; a legal dispute threatening the continuation of my company, jaw surgery followed by complications, vehicle needing multiple repairs, lack of work, and insufficient finances to properly cover living expenses and the newly presented challenges. Just filter those challenges on the financial side. Add the health issues, broken and breaking relationships, and the larger challenge of all; my self-worth in question, followed with failures
and embarrassment.
Here I walk in the valley. At an all time low. The steep terrain is on either side, casting their shadows. Yet still I am filtering everything on what can be not what currently is. There is glimmers of the sun, the hope of what is to come. There is small glimpses of the vast victories to come.
I’m reminded of Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” To be honest, that’s sounds nice. Who doesn’t want to be comforted. But this guy wants victory, wants to succeed at whatever the doing, he wants to prosper. This valley has been my home for far too long.
The Psalm continues, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
I always struggled to remember Psalm 23:5-6. Why? Especially when the psalmist, David, continued the psalm past the valley. Perhaps I was content with remaining in the valley.
Not being a theologian, I did some research on verses 5 and 6. Matthew Henry Commentary shed some insight.
• God carefully and readily prepared the table BEFORE David.
• There is abundance, enough for self and others.
• Abundance not only for necessity, but for ornament (display)and delight.
• God’s favors, goodness and mercy (loving kindness), shall always be ready.
• They last forever.
• It is a promise.
There is a promise, even though you walk in the valley, you are walking through. The valley is not the destination, its just the journey through. At the end of the valley there is abundance. Abundance of peace, joy, goodness, relationships, finances, strong character, abundance of God in us.
So Chad and reader, get off your butt and go for a walk. Walk through the valley…Walk long enough in the valley, soon enough you will see big open plains and the sun.